As an experienced manufacturer of pressure tanks, we have the knowledge, experience, and technology necessary to provide our customers with the highest quality products. Attention to the best materials and precision in work are the most important distinguishing features of our activity because tank production is a difficult field where there is no room for error. Our offer includes various types of tanks intended for many applications. The production technology of each of them is constantly being improved because we care about selling only the best products.
We offer steel radiators made of new-generation Favier ribbed pipes, which will be used both in industrial and residential construction. Thanks to their durability and original construction, they are not only practical heating devices but also an addition to stylized interiors.
Our offer includes a wide range of devices dedicated, among others, to heating, cooling, steam, and water installations. Pressure tanks are made of the best grades of steel to ensure their trouble-free operation and durability. Each device is created based on applicable quality standards.
Our company also offers comprehensive execution of ammonia cooling systems. We offer cost estimation, design, execution along with the supply of devices, installation, commissioning, and service.
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Przedsiębiorstwo Metali Nieżelaznych „BOBREK” Sp.J. Dawid i Paweł Kleszcz, Bronisław Koźbiał
Ul. Krakowska 1a, 32-661 Bobrek
Sąd Rejonowy dka Krakowa- Śródmieścia w Krakowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS 0000105018 | NIP 549-18-26-024 | Regon 070851344
Bank PEKAO S.A. | PL: 50 1240 4142 1111 0000 4825 2274 | EUR: PL90 1240 4142 1978 0000 4829 6959 | SWIFT: PKOPPLPW
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